{{tag>tutorial mail}} ====== Configure postfix as a backup for Exchange ====== ===== Problem ===== * I want to use postfix on a virtual server as a backup in case my Exchange is down. Postfix should accept every mail and deliver it to the Exchange server instantly or wait until the Exchange server is available. ===== Requirements ===== * Existing postfix installation * Existing Exchange installation ---- ===== Step 1 ===== * Login to your virtual server via ssh. ---- ===== Step 2 ===== * Create and open the file ''%%/etc/postfix/transport%%'' * Insert ''%%domain.com smtp:exchangehost.name%%'' for every domain you want to relay on its own line. * Run ''%%postmap /etc/postfix/transport%%'' ---- ===== Step 3 ===== * Edit ''%%/etc/postfix/main.cf%%'' * Insert ''%%relay_domains = domain.com%%''. If you want multiple domains, separate them with a space. * Insert ''%%transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport%%'' * Run ''%%/etc/init.d/postfix reload%%''